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Who Tops the List of New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2022/2023

What exactly has happened differently with the new Turkey female dress designs

With over 4000 companies jostling for the African market, many female dress shops around Turkey are definitely on the backheel.  This has created stiff fight in the production side of it and edging out other markets when faced with the new Turkey female dress designs.

Creativity and organization has become a bedrock of penetration in recent times, so you’ll find the competition pushing many beyond limits at both ends of the tie. It certainly has to be a quit sooner or later for some companies while some others take a huge step forward and expand.

What really matter in the Turkey fashion industry has expanded beyond being just creative and organized, Companies have also employed communication and photo modelling their designs as a vital tool to sustainability as regards the African market.

Nexx, Miss Luzzia and Mixvirage Tops List of New Turkey Female Dress Designs

So far in 2023, lets look at this 3 African focused companies who we consider added feathers to what they did and what we think they did different.


Despite regarded as relatively expensive for the lower income earners across Africa, Nexx  Textile has over the past years remained consistent in publish mouthwatering designs on its broadcast channels with great deals of quality fabrics. Popular with many stone coated shirt gowns, this company has never allowed copycats get the better side of their productions.

Check out these  beautiful nexx designs.

New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2021-2022

New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2021-2022



Miss Luzzia

Expanding it’s tents with LaBusca in 2020 and Opposite fashion in 2021, this company could boast of being in and top 3 list regardless of who prepares it. With gorgeous variety of designs for women of both middle and high class, steady production of uniquely crafted outfits including jean dresses, blouse and trousers, gowns, etc. Mizz luzzia et al won’t be taking a back seat anytime soon. one act worthy of note is that staff of this company tend to be intentional about languages and work on communicating with even some local Nigerian languages like Igbo.

Check out models from their 3 branches.

New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2021-2022
Design from La Busca
Design from Opposite Fashion


Top 5 Baby and Kids Wears Suppliers in Turkey


New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2021-2022
Design from Miss Luzzia



Located in Gungoren, Another market entirely off Laleli where Luzzia and Nexx share a street. Mixvirage is renowned for providing for all especially with casual dresses. So lets say, everyone could afford to buy from Mixvirage regardless of their financial class. Mixvirage releases tens of  free wear designs regularly which sells into the heart of the average African woman. Regardless of who does this count on the new female dress designs in Turkey, Mixvirage would be high on that list.

What they do differently is simple, they understand that a lot of people crave for made in Turkey wears with limited funds, so they make it possible for them with some relatively good quality.

New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2021-2022


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5 thoughts on “Who Tops the List of New Female Dress Designs In Turkey for 2022/2023”

  1. Hi . I am not a commercial retailer.I want to buy my personal clothes .how can I get this beautiful outfits.

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